The Contest News-Letter is one of the most
widely-subscribed and read contest newsletter. This book
reproduces articles from back issues that are timely and of most
interest to persons who are new to contesting, or have not had access
to the Newsletter.
In the FOREWORD, the author, Ron Playle
" In October, 1975, Roger Tyndall sent
me a sample copy of the first issue of CONTEST NEWS-LETTER (C-N-L).
Since I was a publisher and distributor of books on contests and
sweepstakes, Roger solicited my comments and suggestions on his new
" I enthusiastically replied that I thought it was very well done I
wrote him that I especially liked his concept of including stories and
articles on contests and sweepstakes, such as his interview with the
contest Judging agency of Marden-Kane, the first installment of which
was in the first issue. I was impressed that he would take the time
and make the effort to fly to New York to interview a contest judging
agency. To me this represented something out of the ordinary from the
"run-of-the-mill newsletter. I had seen many contest and sweepstakes
publications come and go over the years, but few of them could match
" From that modest beginning (starting
with zero subscribers), Roger Tyndall and his wife Carolyn have built
up a satisfied subscriber list in the hundreds of thousands 1 They now
have the most widely subscribed to and read contest newsletter ever!
In doing so, they not only kept the promises they made in that first
newsletter, they have improved upon them.
"Stories about the Tyndalls and their
newsletter have appeared in such nationwide publications as The Wall
Street Journal, Woman's Day, Family Circle, Changing Times, MoCall's,
Sylvia Porter's syndicated column and many others. Yet the enormous
size their publication has attained has not caused them to outgrow
their original concepts. By "farming out" to specialized companies
their time-consuming tasks of printing and mailing, maintaining
subscriptions and mailing lists, etc., they are able to keep for
themselves the job of writing and editing C-N-L, answering individual
reader s questions (if a self-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed)
and many other things that pertain to the day-by-day operation. You
can even reach them by telephone to answer your question or tell them
about your big win! They pay close attention to the needs of each
subscriber and generally operate their business as if they had only a
few subscribers, instead of thousands.
" I can imagine how large the Tyndall's monthly telephone bill must be
When a question arises pertaining to a contest or sweepstakes, such as
clarifying a rule or some other aspect pertaining to the conduct of a
contest or sweepstakes, Roger gets on the phone and makes calls until
he locates the person with the answers, whether it be a sponsor,
judging agency public relations firm, or anyone else.
" The purpose of this book is to put together within one cover the
best of Contest News-Letter." Over the last five years a wealth of
information has appeared in C-N-L. Each issue contains complete
information on rules on all contests and sweepstakes currently in
progress.. .many of which you probably would not know about otherwise.
Equally as important, however, are the stories and articles about
contesting. They include stories that are reprinted from the nation's
press and trade journals, stories about winner's secrets," interviews
with independent contest judging agencies, news from happy readers
about big prizes they've won, including when and how many entries they
submitted, winning entries in limerick and statement contests, answers
to subscribers' questions if they would be of wide interest, tips and
suggestions about specific contests, articles from contributing
writers...even answers to puzzles and other contests if the official
rules don't forbid such "outside help."
" As the editor of "The Best of Contest News-Letter," I had the
enjoyable task of selecting the articles from back issues that I deem
to be timely and of most interest to those persons who are new to or
have not had access to C-N-L.
" A note on how this book was put together: To start with, I am
reproducing the first page of issue number 1, which dealt with the
objectives of the newsletter. The rest of the articles and stories are
not necessarily in the sequence they originally appeared in. On some
of the articles, I have identified which issue of C-N-L it
originated from, especially if it was pertinent to the article being
reprinted. However, on most of the articles, no attempt was made to
identify the issue it appeared in as it was not important to the
--- Ron Playle
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