William Sunners shows how to win
word-building and puzzle contests. There are 2 types of word squares.
In one the word across are the same as the words down. In the second,
the words across differ completely from the words down. Both are
included, ranging from 3x3 to 8x8 squares, "steps" and other word
Word squares are a popular form of
contest requirement to today's world of competition. More and more
contest promoters are requesting the use or construction of such
puzzles. There are two types of word squares. In one kind, the words
across are the same as the words reading vertically. This is a far
easier type to construct than the second type.
In the second variety of word square, the horizontal words differ
completely from the words reading downward. Some puzzle sponsors
prefer one kind, while others seem to like the second type. Both have
been included in this book because no two contest or puzzle promoters
possess the same puzzle preferences.
This book is also intended to help the reader solve (construct)
tie-breaking puzzles for those popular word-puzzles issued by American
Holiday Association. By using word squares of various sizes and word
forms of other shapes, the reader can easily fill in all or most of a
tie-breaking chart. The same can be applied to others.
On the cover of this book you will find two 3-letter word squares that
an enterprising and imaginative contestant employed in filling up an
area measuring 3 boxes by seven boxes. The two word squares, beginning
with the top words of PIT and PAT were united with the vertical word
of AT to form a perfect section of the tie-breaking part at the upper
left of the official puzzle diagram. A peek into a word book based on
the NEW POCKET Dictionary quickly informed the participant that the
newly-formed word of ACETATE could be replaced by ACETONE without
running into a snag. That is the helpful part of this book, and
those indispensable word books, too.
The word squares in this book are
either original, or were supplied by Dmitry Borgmann, one of the
world's outstanding puzzle and word authorities.
The word squares in this book are based on several pocket
dictionaries. You are advised to check each word in the particular
dictionary you may be using. Also, many word squares can easily be
changed by replacing one or more letters with others. For example, the
words SCALE, SCARE, and SCORE, can be easily changed to STALE, STARE,
and STORE. Other words, such as SHALE, SHARE, and SHORE can be formed
as well. Then, too, every word square can be "twisted" to form a
different square. By "twisting" is meant to write the horizontal words
vertically, and the vertical words horizontally. By using this device,
you can often manage to place a high-scoring letter in a circled box
increase your score if top or highest score decides the winner(s). Not
all words are flush left. Some contest promoters allow all words in
boldface type. Therefore, no effort has been made to restrict our word
squares to only flush left terms or any other kind. We have used
plurals, too, because in many instances, the plural form is allowed in
a word square. Always obey the rules.
The author wishes you many happy hours of pleasant puzzle-solving and
puzzle constructing. This slim volume will help you as its contents
have helped the author in the past forty years. Become familiar with
the various word square sizes, with their locations, and with even
some of the unusual words. You will never know when an "inventive"
promoter will use a word square from this book as a basis for a
Big 8x11" book.
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