By A. Stern. Fourth Edition of this major
best selling work by the ultimate mail order authority. 224
power-packed pages that document the way others have made their
fortune in mail order and guide you in your efforts to emulate their
The World of Mail Order Selling...
Capital Required... How to Get Started... 7 Approaches... Find
Products... What Price Products... Good M. O. Products... Direct
Mail vs. Publication Ads... Mailing Lists... Classified/Display
Ads... Making Classified Ads Pay... The Market is Big ... Women's --
Men's -- Youth Market... Beauty... Baby... Gift-Giving ...
Jewelry... Sell Courses... Books... Health Products... Stamps,
Coins... Food... Records... The Farmer... Premiums... Sell
Dealers... Off-Beat Items... Fads ..Gags... Special Angles... Tricks
Gadgets... Preparing Ads... Words that Pull... Copy... Layout...
Order Forms... Testimonials... Sales Letters... Coupons... Timing...
Record Systems... Radio/TV... Catalog Houses... Mail Order Houses...
Publicity (How to get it)... Trade Magazines... Plus much much
more... 79 sections.
Here, all in one book is the
information that you might take years to discover on your own. The
facts in this book are worth over $1,000 to the person who sincerely
wants to make his fortune, large, or small, in the Mail Order
The Author takes you by the hand
through every facet of the Mail Order Business... gives
illustrations of what others have done... tells you what you can
do... If you want to earn a large 5 figure income in your spare
time... Read this book... the Mail order business is your
opportunity!... Limitless opportunity... there are so many new
products... so many items that people need that there is room for
everyone that wants to be in the mail order business... Fascinating
and Profitable... There's nothing like having money roll out of
envelopes addressed to you. Get Started Now...let Alfred Stern take
you through the pages of this book on your way to your own Mail
Order Business.
Alfred Stern, author, is a successful
Account Executive in N. Y. C. specializing in Mail Order for a
quarter of a century. Here is what some clients have had to say
about him:
"You are wonderful Mr. Stern! Thanks
a lot for all your help." California... "You have done a tremendous
job and I am really convinced that you know what you are doing." New
York... "You have been a tremendous help in getting me off on the
right foot in the mail order business and I do appreciate it."
Illinois... Alfred Stern is on of the best, most reliable and
extremely devoted mail order men in the U.S. Pioneer Press, Tenn.
Yes, if you have a product or
invention learn how to sell it by mail. If you don't have a product,
this book will show you how to get one. Plus, it will explore the 24
major mail order markets so you can select the best one for you.
START on a shoestring if you wish.
Build a business that will pay you an income for the rest of your
life. Remember, a mail order business can be operated from any
location... any state... city or even rural area.
START OFF RIGHT... Don't flounder
around for years trying to find the right way to operate. Learn the
facts, now, right at the start. Save money by using it wisely and
correctly. Thousands may start a mail order business , lose a little
money and then drop out, never really knowing what it was all about.
Don't make that mistake. Before you start, read this book, let it
show you step by step everything you need to know.
businessman, salesman, employee, retired housewife... earn spare
time or full time dollars... Mail Order can be for you!
Do you want a Mail Order business
paying you $25,000, $50,000 or even $100,000 a year. Many are doing
just that with their own independent Mail Order Business.
through your magazines and newspapers at the mail order ads. Many of
these people have been advertising year in and year out for 10, 20,
30 or more years. Are they successful? You bet they are. Of course
some people may think of Sears Roebuck when they think of mail
order, but there are thousands of smaller one-man businesses
specializing in just one or a few products. The possibilities in
mail order are fantastic. The post office helps you to reach your
customers. Read the success stories In "How Mail Order Fortunes Are
BUSINESS? If you are able to read and follow directions, the answer
is Yes! Here in easy to understand language is the whole procedure
for beginning and continuing a successful mail order business,
written by an expert who knows the business.
No expensive rent to pay... none of
the problems of the retail store... in fact with a mail order
business you can take off for a vacation when ever you want... work
only 3 or 4 days a week. Set your own schedule. Live like you have
always wanted to live.
NEVER BEFORE has there been a book
with the How To Do It facts and figures. Others have paid hundreds
of dollars for seminars or private consultations to get the facts
and ideas that you can get in this book.
FULLY ILLUSTRATED. Dozens of actual
successful mail order ads are shown in this book. Specific sales
letters that have been successfully used are shown. The factual
statements are fully backed up with illustrations and examples.
EASY TO UNDERSTAND... written in
simple everyday language so that even if you are inexperienced in
business you can easily grasp the fundamental points. Mail Order
terminology is completely explained.
RM49.21 (US$12.95)
"You can solve your problems with the Power of Silence. Every day
and night, spend some quality time with yourself. At various fixed
time during the day, you will be alone with yourself. The time can
vary from ten to thirty minutes or more, depending on your
situation. Wherever you may be, take a break away from the maddening
crowd and be with yourself. Remain silent and focus on your problem.
This can be supplemented with an appropriate prayer."
- Van Gogh
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