MILEAGE CARBURETORS! Do they really exist, or are they simply examples
of legendary American Folklore? Rumors of such devices have most
certainly been circulating for more than half a centuryever since
mass production, introduced by Henry Ford, made the automobile an
affordable mode of transportation.
Are They Fact or Fraud? Can they be built, or can't they? Is better
mileage a possibility ... a reasonable expectation ... a viable goal?
These are questions in the minds of millions of Americansand of
people all over the world. Now you can find out for yourself with this
new book.
At least one fact regarding new carburetion devices can be easily
verifiedbecause there is documentation to back it up: More than six
thousand patents have been issued on carburetion devices by the United
States Patent Office. Standing alone, this fact would seem to support
the claim that new and better carburetor systems have been designed
and are in use. The designers do claim that much more efficient and
economical systems are possible than we are now getting for the money
spent when we buy an automobile, and that we should "gain, not lose,"
every time we drive up to the gas stationIn savings of dollars, and
in greater freedom from pollution.
Many of the eighteen designs shown in this new manual do not have
patents issued on them, and can be used and/or copied by anyone;
others are patented (and cannot be copied) but they are included so
that the information/instruction that can be gained will be available
to those who simply want to know, or as help to those who want to
involve themselves in actually working with a carburetion system. You
can't buy any of these carburetors on the market today, but you have
the right to know about thema right granted you by the U. S.
Constitution. If you use the knowledge gained to build and/or
experiment, that is your business.
This new report contains 3-dimensional "cut-a-way" views with spec
sheets to eighteen different designs, and includes systems designed by
Allan Wallace, Ted LaPan, Roy Nichols (the original Fuel Mizer), Ron
Beasley (the Improved Fuel Mizer), the Naylors, O. M. Tucker, Arthur
Sgrignoli, Ray Covey, Elmer Nay, Russ Lambert, Robert S. Shelton,
Joseph Baldwin, Justin Miller, Tom Ogle, plus the first (1927) design
of Charles Nelson Pogue, the "Guardian Wizard of Carburetion."
Cut-a-way views are used in place of flat drawings to help you
comprehend the inner construction, and to give a vision of what the
designer did. Spec sheets are included for your Information as to
sizes and materials used for the original construction. Not a book of
blueprints or a set of plans as such, but a study book for interested
and intrigued persons who might wish to design their own systemsand
for those who want to know more about high mileage devices.
You can believe itthese devices can and have been built! Most all the
designers claim better fuel economy; some even claim over 100 per
gallon from a standard size to large size American sedan. We can't
guarantee that you can do as well, or that you can Improve present
mileage, but we guarantee the book will give you knowledge about the
subject of high mileage systems.... and in fact, this just might be
the most fascinating book on the subject you'll ever be exposed to.
With eighteen different designs, six concepts, cut-a-way 3-D views,
plus spec sheets for eachyou get more in this one book alone than
from any others now on the market.
Mechanics are some of the most practical and inventive people in the
world, and from exposure to many thousands of them, we feel this book
will surely convince you that they are also "dreamers of dreams"in
that many of them wholeheartedly believe that the time is here to get
better carburetion systems into our cars .. -and that it can be done!
This combination of practicality and vision is not limited to the
mechanically inclined among uswe all want knowledge and information
on a subject
vital to almost all of us (Who does not own or drive a car today?).
And while you can't buy these carburetion devices, there are thousands
and thousands who want to know why we can't buy them, and many
thousands with the ability, talent and inclination who want to try on
their own for a design.
We know thisyou can't get information about so many different
examples of carburetion devices from any other book. Some books cover
one design only, and some sell for double the price of this new
with a money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied, return within
30 days.
Send your order today. Don't wait. Join the ranks of the "practical
dreamers" who want to do, or just to know.
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power of genius exists in everyone. The power manifests itself when
you dare to fail by following your heart's desires. This is how you
can make a difference to the way that things are . . ."
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