By Van Gogh. Your name contains the essence
of YOU. It can make or break your future as many people and companies
found out too late! Many successful people, from the homemaker to
professionals and the stars, have reported their fame, fortune and
happiness came after their name change.
A Copyright License giving you
the legal right to reprint and resell this best seller in your
state/country is available for an additional US$12,000. You become the
Publisher and prime source. You keep all your profits!
A Translation License is also available
for US$12,000.
This book shows you exactly how to
check whether your present name is compatible with your personality
and inborn character; if it's not helpful to you, then exactly how to
change it or the way it is used so as to improve your luck, achieve
your potential, and enjoy success in your life!
Change your luck with the power of
Numerology. The first step to achieving your goals starts with a new
balanced and compatible name.
Discover your true self and how you
might do better and win in life.
Now, you too can be a winner with the power of Numerology.
Your name contains the essence of You. It can make or break your
future! Many successful people have reported that their fame and
fortune came after their name change, such as film stars and
entertainers. Less well known but no less significant are the cases of
ordinary people who are able to enjoy peace of mind and harmony in
their lives after their change of name.
Make a fresh start in your life and get
the things you've always wanted. All your wants can be satisfied if
you know how to apply the laws of nature. Giving yourself a powerful
name is the first step.
New, revised edition. Order today!
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Change Your Name Service
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By Morris C. Goodman. This book will help you
to answer important personal questions on health, love, money, luck,
and career. Numerology can help you to achieve your goals without
delay or frustration ... whoever you are ... whatever your
problem. Modern Numerology deals with today's concept of the vibratory
power of numbers and brings the ancient science up to date. It is
based upon observation, experience, and conclusions drawn consistently
from the same set of circumstances. It is a branch of knowledge older
than astrology. Its early concepts led to the beginnings of structured
mathematics. Paperback, (1978), 158 pgs.
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Numerology gives you a knowledge of the law
which governs your life. The language of your numbers will reveal your
personal blueprint for living an exciting, fulfilling life.
Numerology, the science of numbers, says that each of us has a set of
numbers, that those numbers have meaning, and from those meanings we
can find out our destiny, who we are compatible with, what our
personality is really like and much, much more. Paperback, 149 pages,
Find the real You and go on to achieve
personal success. By W. Mykian.
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- Its Facts And
Everything in life can be reduced to numbers!
Ariel Yvon Taylor and H. Warren Hyer, two of the foremost authorities
on Numerology, give you simple arithmetic formulas that enable you to
answer all your important personal questions in life. You can use this
scientific system of numbers to understand the mystical laws governing
your life.
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All problems can be solved.
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Your name contains the essence
of YOU. It can make or break you as it has done to thousands of others
around the world. When your name is in harmony with your inborn
traits, life is easy on you. When it is imbalanced, you may need to
work and fight harder in your struggle for survival against the
elements of ill luck, problems and failures.
You can resolve the inner conflicts now
raging inside you by changing your name or the way it is used. Change
the way you feel about yourself and how you want to live.
This exciting 12-page personalized
Report reveals whether your name is compatible with your innate
abilities and life task. If there is a mismatch, we create a new one
for YOU while retaining your presently-used or birth name or as much
of it as possible.
Here’s your chance to start life
afresh. Your new name marks your new personality - a new energy
pattern and zest for life. Regain your self-confidence, self-love and
imagination. If you are feeling dissatisfied today, isn’t it high time
you start changing?
To order, please use the "Order Form",
and give the following additional information (or we cannot
complete your analysis) : Your full name, best -known name, Birth
date, Birth time, Present Job, and your proposed names (if any). If
the birth time is not known, write it as 12 p.m.
More Info...
Money problems? Love problems? Health problems? Worried, anxious or fearful of anyone or anything?
All problems can be solved.
here to go there.
RM95.00 (US$25.00) postpaid
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Magick, the Spiritual and Metaphysics:
"In reality, there are no absolutes in nature, in life, in anything.
Nothing is absolute. Everything in nature is the way it is because it
is life without rules."
- Van Gogh
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